Ask Dr. Fatima

Flirting Through Lively Teasing

Flirting through playful bullying is definitely an incredibly powerful technique to build closeness and ignite attraction. Teasing should be light-hearted and sincere, and it is essential to pay close attention to the other man or woman body language so that you don’t by accident corner into mean-spirited territory.

Playful bullying works best when it is associated with other forms of flirting that show more immediate interest, just like compliments, roleplay, physical contact, eye contact, strong wrist wrestling or thumb wars, sexualized conversations or perhaps intimate concerns. Teasing is beneficial because it teases the different person in a way that feels fun and light, but likewise shows that you are willing to take risks and push the boundaries of connection.

Name dialling and playful insults are effective teases as long as they are really delivered with a large, friendly smile and available body language. These types of nonverbal cues help to communicate that your teasing is not really meant to be a serious insult, and can even generate her bust a gut.

It is also important to avoid teasing regarding personal issues, just like her interests, guilty pleasures or perhaps embarrassing stories. These subject areas can look harmful or hurtful, especially if you tease her in front of other folks.

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